Yin Yoga Travel Sequencing

Kali Durga Yoga

For the Insight Seekers, the Gypsies

The ones who feel rooted most in transit

Who Wander & Know

The Earth as your home delights in your dance

As your traverse many worlds, traipse lightly in heart

This sequence is a lunar form of honoring the movement

While finding the spaciousness & quietude within

If you’re one who travels often,

Use the wisdom of these somatic expressions

The art of these Asanas

To decompress the areas of Chi stagnation

The accumulation of tension in the spheres & edges of our Being 

May this elongate & illuminate

The source of Chi in you

The rich robust and fierce within

Which affords you the Voyage

[side one]


Dragon Lunge lengthens front of Psoas which compresses when sedentary 

Twisted Lunge revolves stagnation around circumference of spine


Pigeon decompress bottled femur head in hip socket, creating spaciousness in hip joints. widens & resets the Sacro-Iliac joint. Spreads piriformis.


Square Pose external rotations to set sacrum, forward flexion for spinal longevity

Seated Twist  evens & stabilizes axial rotation along entire length of spine


King Pigeon quad stretch smooths the large twitch muscle fibers of the quadriceps for stable pelvis & low back

[other side]

Dragon Lunge 

Twisted Lunge


Square Pose 

Seated Twist 

King Pigeon quad stretch 

Full Forward Bend increased intensity in spinal decompression. Widening through inner ear doors, cervical spine is  unburdened. 


Sphinx/Seal compresses the region of the spine which tends to get most congested, revitalizes kidneys

Camel Pose  lifts back of heart to commune with front of heart


Supine twist  overall immunity boost

Legs up the wall / martini pose reverse the descending flow of Prana, Lymph, Oxygen & Blood. Sends all the vital resource back into low belly & heart centers.


Upcoming Yin Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Trainings here.

Kali Basman

International yoga teacher Kali Basman enriches the paradigm of Yin Yoga to integrate distinct aspects of Self into an innate wisdom practice to awaken a rich inner life and radiate with ritual.  Her offering honors Yin Yoga as a tool to surrender to our intrinsic wholeness.

On the textured path of mindful healing,  Kali is celebrated for her integration of the 5 Elements and Chinese Meridian Theory with self-inquiry, embodied Anatomy, Buddhist Philosophy of Equanimity, and sharp intellect.