Durga Excursions Level II Training: Elegance of Awakening
Advanced Principles in Mindful Practices & Mapping the Subtle Body
A 50hr Yoga Alliance Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Yang & Dharma Aspects
Sedona Hot Yoga, Sedona Arizona
September 26 - October 3, 2019
Level II will focus on the cultivation of an enriched Pranic field and an in-depth investigation of Buddhist Philosophical Principles- which we mingle with psychological self-inquiry and awareness practices in Yin & Yang Yoga Asanas. This course offers advanced anatomy, Yin & Yang Posture Clinics, Neuro-physiology of the Autonomic Nervous System, and Meditation methodology. As such, facilitators assume you have a background of interest and/or experience in meditation and meridian systems.
While Durga Excursion’s Level I is not a required prerequisite, we do suggest you have trained previously in essential features of a Yin Yoga & mindfulness based practice. A discount for those who have taken Level I is available. (Level I Upcoming Dates: Mantiou Springs, CO - August 2019 & Sedona Hot Yoga September 13-19,2019)
Topics Covered
Yin Yoga: Principles, Anatomy & Physiology, Asana, Breath & Lines of Energy, Traditional Chinese Medicine Meridians & Organ health, Mapping the Subtle Body,Yoga for Trauma Healing & PTSD.
Yang Yoga: Yang Tissues- Meeting the Muscle Belly (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation & Reciprocal Inhibition), Surya Namaskar: Rhythm Repetition & Ritual, Foundations: Breath & Bandha, Biomechanics in Surya Namaskar, Asana Analysis & Adjustments, Pranayama
Mind: Methods of Mindfulness, Shamata & Vipassana style Meditation in Asana, Buddhist Principles, Philosophy, & Psychology
Daily Practice as Ritual:
Dharma talks, Yang and Yin practices, inquiry exercises and mindfulness methods will be employed daily
45 hours of contact training hours
5 hours homework and self-lead practice
Kali Basman (Kali Durga Yoga) & Kylie Roswell
Read more about your facilitators: Kali Basman & Kylie Roswell
Schedule Outline
schedule subject to refinements
Day 1:
7-9 pm Art of Arrival
Day 2:
10-11:15 Yang: Flow
11:30-12 Asana Analysis & Adjustments: Downdog | Adho Mukha Svanasana
12-12:30 Dharma: The Buddha Meets Neurobiology
12:30-2 Lunch Break
2-4 Mind: Smritti, Shamata, Arrive & Center, Foundations.
4-6:30 Yin: Breath, Breathing Into, Lines of Energy. Kidney Practice.
Day 3:
10-11:15 Yang Flow
11:30-12 Asana Analysis & Adjustments: Reciprocal Inhibition, Dragon Lunge | Anjaneyasana
12-12:30 Dharma: The 3 Jewels
12:30-2 Lunch Break
2-4 Mind: 4 Cardinal Points on the 8 Fold Path.
4-6:30 Yin: Yin & Yang Tissues, Repair Response, Principles of Yin, Chi. Kidney Practice.
Day 4:
10-11:15 Yang Flow
11:30-12 Asana Analysis & Adjustments: Warrior I | Virabhadrasana I
12-12:30 Dharma: On Craving & Aversion
12:30-2 Lunch Break
2-4 Mind: 4 Noble Truths, 4 Beats of the Mind, Vipassana
4-6:30 Yin: Mapping the Subtle Body: Meridians. Kidney Practice.
Day 5:
Sadhana Morning- Free
2-4 Mind: Trauma Informed Yoga
4-6:30 Yin. Expanding Your Offering Module I. Liver Meridian & Wood Practice.
Day 6:
10-11:15 Yang Flow
11:30-12 Biomechanics of Sun Salutes | Surya Namaskar A
12-12:30 Dharma: Neuroplasticity
12:30-2 Lunch Break
2-4 Mind: Elegance of Suffering & Awakening, Tonglen Practice, Expanding Your Offering Module II
4-6:30 Yin. Heart & Lung Meridians. Torso Yin Practice & Pranayam.
Day 7:
10-11:15 Self Lead Practice
11:30-12 Physiology of Parasympathetic Pranayama
12-12:30 Shamatha Dharma
1-2 Lunch Break
2-4 Mind: Shamatha, Vipassana, Expanding Your Offering Module III
4-6:30 Yin: Spleen Meridian & Practice
Day 8: 9am - 11am
Final Teaching Practicum
Final Presentation
Final Ceremony
Sedona Hot Yoga Studio - 162 Coffee Pot Dr, Sedona
Cost: $1200
Durga Excursions offers one SEVA - SERVICE YOGI scholarship per training (does not include room & board) Apply here for SEVA SCHOLARSHIP.
*Only one discount applicable: Earlybird Discount Code (EARLYBIRD): $150 off until July 20th
Alumni Discount (ALUMNI) : $200 off
LEVEL I Training: September 13-19,2019 at Sedona Hot Yoga. Sign up for both trainings and receive a discount: $2200 total - Click HERE for more information.
"Every part of the training was designed to help each of us find our voice and find the confidence to use them... by the end of the training, we were all roaring with confidence"
"Kali and Kylie are not just teaching Yin Yoga 50 hours. You are providing individuals with an opportunity to find their inner light and strength. (Teaching us to breathe) and provide the opportunity for beautiful souls to awaken together. Again, I cannot express my gratitude through words." - Practitioner, 5 Elements Yin Yoga Teacher Training March 2018
I feel a greater level of comfort in teaching and guiding others after this course - more than I expected. Prior to the class I knew only bits and pieces on the principles and philosophy of Yin, where now many of the pieces fit together like a puzzle. I feel I have the tools and knowledge to better describe Yin and what it has to offer to improve the intrinsic wholeness of others." - Practitioner, Intrinsic Wholeness Retreat Peru 2018
"Just this one week transformed so much in my entire life! These two women are powerful, playful and together they bring a balance of Yin and Yang. They have the biggest hearts and so much passion, commitment and integrity in what they do. The curriculum allows you to learn basics but also reaches deep into your soul and connects you to yourself in unbelievable ways!" - Practitioner, 5 Elements Yin Yoga Teacher Training, Cusco
Kali Durga Yoga Dharma Talk:
Dharma Talk by Kali Basman @ Bhakti Yoga Shala in Santa Monica 2018... Listen to more....